Thursday, September 25, 2008

To Make Money Online Use An Assistant

Traditionally, to make money online it is accepted practise that you get a list of names who have stated an interest in network marketing and give them a call. Make's sense because to get people to like and trust you it's only logical that a phone conversation will work.

But we all know the difficulty of doing that. The biggest reason I won't do it is because of the beligerent comments coming from some of the prospects. My skin isn't thick enough to take abuse.

Online Businesses are becoming so systemetized that you can interest a person in what you have to offer by presenting your information strictly online, so you no longer have to make prospecting calls if you don't care to.

However, its been found that once initial contact is made, that a supportive practise is to talk on the telephone to people that have questions. You can actually make the phone call at their specific request or you can have them call you.

Some people are still uncomfortable with that, so they are turning to an acceptible avenue of having someone do this work for them (Outsourcing).

MyInternetBusiness is a perfect example; PBA's or Professional Business Assistants will make the calls for you. When a person takes the website based tour and has questions, they are instructed to push a button to request a call back. Then the PBA gives them a call and represents you. They are expert so they can answer all the questions asked. They relieve you from this sometimes time consuming work. And the fee is only charged if the prospect joins. The fee is small enough that it still gives the business owner an excellent profit.

Not a bad way to go to save you from the difficulty and time consuming nature of telephone contact.

Monday, September 22, 2008

To Make Money From Home - Morning Conference Calls

To make money from home, one online method that instills a success mindset into subscribers of an internet business are brief morning conference calls similar to what MyInternetBusiness has implemented for its subscribers.

This is one way that a business opportunity helps their subscribers to connect with their business and demonstrates a businesses commitment to supporting s subscriber.

I've previously written about the importance of researching a business to know if they are solid and have a commitment to supporting their valued subscribers.

And providing this type of mindset training demonstrates one way that demonstrate to you of the businesses commitment to helping you be successful.

There are so many businesses out there for you to join and such a need for people to join based on content rather than on hype that I encourage you who are looking for a business to do your research and find a business that you can trust and is obviously supportive of your interests.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Take A Rest - It'll Do You Good

My friend and leader of MyInternetBusiness, my number one business source and home based business opportunity, was the springboard for me to discuss briefly one way of "keeping you going at reaching your goals". I am fortunate indeed to be part of an organization that cares and supports it's members. Here is my take as taught by our leader in MyInternetBusiness.

And it is, to refresh. We can get so caught up in and focused on whatever it is we do in life that we loose whatever edge it is that we've accomplished by being so focused. I mean, it's terrific if you are writing your goals down and then insuring that you accomplish them and making them a habit. But with that focus you often spend so much time performing the duties necessary to reach your goals that you tire and loose perspective. Don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting that you change your focus.

What I am suggesting is to turn around and "smell the roses". Take a rest, even if it is a little rest, to think and experience something else. This would be like taking a break as you do at work, or to take a vacation like you can in some employment. Or you can look at it like simply doing something different for a while, like a break. Learn something new and totally unrelated. Take a different route to the one you usually drive. If you know how to do a sport but haven't done it for a while, then do it.

The mind has a way of re-freshing itself with new perspective to our major goals when it is taken away from it for a bit. You may not want to get away from it for a bit but the healthy thing to do is to do it anyway because you will absolutely find a new perspective a re-freshed energy to your major tasks.

Those who are so focused that they say that time is money and they really can't take a minutes break or to follow the suggested refreshening exercise, should understand that in reality they will be more productive if they were to take the advice and refresh.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Make Money Online - Do You Like The Company/ Products/ Services

Unless you are a very experienced and a successful marketer you must gain every advantage you can to successfully make money online.

Those who are experienced and know what people want and will buy, as well as knowing how to present their offer in the proper manner, can probably sell anything online and that is their advantage.

You can give yourself advantage by approaching the internet marketing business in steps, first, then second, then third, etc. This is why each opportunity you join that has training and support wants you to do the first step before moving on to the next. I know, as an example, that is how it works at MyInternetBusiness.

But before you even get started with an online business you need to find a business through Internet research that has a company with products and or services that you like. A lot of people put the cart before the horse and join a plan they have heard about that apparently has an excellent compensation program for you to make millions.

Don't fall for this hype, unless you have researched and find that the company is safe solid and founded on honest and effective principles, and that you like the products and or services that you have found are sell-able.

You do have many choices out there on the net and you don't need to fall for hopes of riches without first joining the proper opportunity.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Research- Passion- Work To Make Money Online

If passion about a product and a company helps you make money online, is that the final word on how to be a great success?

No it is not. But the passion is the beginning point for you to choose an opportunity to be involved with. If you can't, from your research, gain an excitement (passion) about the company and product then it's going to be difficult to for you to get up every morning and work the business.

Working the business means doing everything you subsequently learn about marketing your business.

You learn how to market your business from the sponsor and or back office resources readily given to new subscribers.

Research is how you gain the knowledge to even be interested in working an online business.

I hope this little tidbit helps you even if just a little bit.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Passion Makes You Money Online

I recently received an announcement from my online business MyInternetBusiness. It announced a new product to it's already long list of digital and other products. They announced a luxury travel program that is applicable to all members of MyInternetBusiness.

The cost is membership in the business opportunity program at myInternetBusiness and creates even more value to that which they already give to their members.

I bring this up only for you to get a better understanding of what value is, from the business opportunities that you research and consider joining. I have written articles about the truths you must know before joining any online business and I listed the first key is having passion about the products and or services you get with your business.

I commented that unless you have passion for what you are doing you may not be able to present the information you have for your prospects in a manner that causes them to have any interest.

You may be new and you not be an expert writer or presenter but that doesn't matter. The passion or lack thereof with which you present your information, in what ever style is yours, will show through.

If you can't get passionate about the company products and services then you might consider moving on and looking at something else in your research.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Right Sponsor to Make Money Online

The following about finding the right sponsor to help you make money online was found in an article I recently wrote about - Unvarnished Facts You Must Learn Before You Join Any Online Business.

Not all personalities will fit your personality for a good online business sponsor. There are so many different personalities of people out there on the Internet that it is essential that you make contact with your would be sponsor and have a chat. Ask questions, of course about the business, but as important is to find out how responsive and helpful he/she is and does it meet your expectations.

Too many people fall into the trap of making their decision on emotion because they seemed to click with their sponsor. It’s important to find someone you click with, but give it some time to make sure that everything else on the business side is right for you before you jump in.

You’re going to spend a great deal of time asking questions and having them provide you with training and guidance that you must be comfortable with them.

Unfortunately there are those who sound great but are not. You can see that if you contact them and talk to them.

Force yourself to contact the sponsor whether by telephone or other means and make the following determinations

Are they responsive to you when you try to contact them? You see a lot of online entrepreneurs are in it solely for the money and not to take care of the “flock”, that’s you. This is why I recommend you contact them and judge their responsiveness. If they really aren’t responsive, do you think they will be any better or different once you join? If they don’t meet your responsiveness needs then move on and find another sponsor or opportunity.

Your sponsor doesn’t need to be the screaming success story; they just need to be responsive and helpful to your needs. They don’t need to have all the answers but they need to be somebody who has integrity and interest in your success as well as theirs. If they have the resources for you then they can act as a good contact to insure that you receive everything you need to be successful in the business.

Monday, September 8, 2008

To Make Money From Home - Research

I know it gets a little frustrating when you work online to make money from home, and you make no money. Why shouldn't it be frustrating? particularly when you joined a program with expectations of making a mint. I mean I've started programs before where they practically guaranteed success only to find failure and frustration.

The fact still remains that you can make money online and there is usually a learning curve. This online marketing, whether it be Affiliate marketing direct marketing MLM, etc., etc., and the list goes on, takes understanding to be successful. Learn what you want to market, learn what type of website you want to create, learn what it takes to be successful, learn what to say in your splash pages as well as your all important sales pages. learn how to market and what are the types of marketing. Are you intent on marketing in free ways or will you spend some cash.

Already I've use enough terms to mix the newbie up. It's not my intent but this underscores the fact that this is a whole industry and there are things to learn.

I have also found that if you are unwilling to do research the odds are not in your favor to become successful online. You can learn about all of the terms I expressed online through research. Get out and do it and if you implement what you learn and stick with it you'll be successful. Most successful and entrepreneurs will allow you to contact them to ask questions. But remember it's still going to be your ability to learn about what you are doing for you to become successful.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Search Engine Optimization To Make Money Online

Ever been called by a marketer telling you they can put you on the first page of the search engines so you can increase your exposure and make money online? This whole subject is, search engine optimization (SEO). you must remember, if you're going to take them up on their offer, it will cost money.

There are other ways to get your website high up, close to the front or even first on the search engines for your keywords, without having to spend money to do it.

One tactic that MyInternetBusiness teaches to subscribers is to reciprocal link your website to various others and back and forth. This means writing good content and linking it to various other informational sources.

When I write an article, I include my website URL in the resource box. When the search engines "spider" then they have good resources pointing back to your website.

That is one example. Another is to have several websites and see that there is a link of each of them going to another one of your websites. How about linking your blog to your website? that is another way.

Another way is to ask other relevant and good quality sites if they will put your link on their site if you will do the same. I'm not one for doing this as I haven't as much control as I do when I am the one getting my links out there on the Internet through articles, press releases, social networking, my one several websites etc., you get the picture.

The key here is to get the word out with good content and as the search engines search and compare "spider" they get the idea that your "stuff" is important and plentiful.

Then someone searches for a keyword and who knows perhaps your website will be the one the search engine has listed on the first page. then the customer clicks on your site, and there you go you just got another prospect
That is one way to search engine optimize on your own to make more money online.