Thursday, September 25, 2008

To Make Money Online Use An Assistant

Traditionally, to make money online it is accepted practise that you get a list of names who have stated an interest in network marketing and give them a call. Make's sense because to get people to like and trust you it's only logical that a phone conversation will work.

But we all know the difficulty of doing that. The biggest reason I won't do it is because of the beligerent comments coming from some of the prospects. My skin isn't thick enough to take abuse.

Online Businesses are becoming so systemetized that you can interest a person in what you have to offer by presenting your information strictly online, so you no longer have to make prospecting calls if you don't care to.

However, its been found that once initial contact is made, that a supportive practise is to talk on the telephone to people that have questions. You can actually make the phone call at their specific request or you can have them call you.

Some people are still uncomfortable with that, so they are turning to an acceptible avenue of having someone do this work for them (Outsourcing).

MyInternetBusiness is a perfect example; PBA's or Professional Business Assistants will make the calls for you. When a person takes the website based tour and has questions, they are instructed to push a button to request a call back. Then the PBA gives them a call and represents you. They are expert so they can answer all the questions asked. They relieve you from this sometimes time consuming work. And the fee is only charged if the prospect joins. The fee is small enough that it still gives the business owner an excellent profit.

Not a bad way to go to save you from the difficulty and time consuming nature of telephone contact.

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