Monday, December 15, 2008

Value Of Affiliate Products To Make Money Online

Affiliate marketing has many sides and meets the goals of various entrepreneurs looking to make money online. You can be a person who wants to sell hard products or digital based products that belong to a merchant. You can be a person who becomes the merchant and provides an affiliate program.

There are many ways to make money online in affiliate marketing. My comments will be directed towards affiliate programs where you as an entrepreneur join an affiliate program for the main purpose of recruiting other people that recruit other people, that recruit other people etc., who in turn are interested in making a commission based on their recruiting and not based on their desire and interest in selling the product.

When I first began marketing online I was very mixed up with this concept and I know there are others out there who are searching for and want make money online ideas who can benefit from a direct explanation of what it means to make money in this fashion.

Now when you are joining a program to make a full time or to just make additional money online for the purpose of recruiting others to do the same, you’ll notice that there is a product that every enrollee gets, if it’s a physical product, or has access to if it is a service.

While you are interested in recruiting others to make money from recruiting, you may not be all that interested in the product that backs the program. But this is where beginners make a big mistake. What do I mean by that?

First off it’s very difficult to recruit people into your down-line if they don’t feel like they are getting a product of some value. This is because they also know that others they are trying to recruit also want to get value from their enrollment.

I like to look at it like this. If I join a program to recruit others and I don’t succeed, then I at least want to know that I received a product that has value.

Another way to look at it is that you must have a product or service to make your recruiting legal. In the case that you did not have a product but were merely recruiting people to recruit other people etc. then all you end up with is a pyramid scheme that is not legal and also which doesn’t do service to others that you recruit. You might be in the market to make money online fast but in the long run you will fail because you are doing something that is “not savory”.

Then you can look at it like this. Sure you want to sell to people who will recruit others but you must understand that every sale you make helps you so you also want people who join just to get the product who don’t necessarily want to know how to make money online.

Now most of what I’ve said is obvious to most but I can guarantee you it’s not obvious to everyone. So remember, that to make steady money online you need to have a good product and a good affiliate program because you will want to gain the trust of your customers or down-line so you can continue to have a fruitful relationship with them.

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