Friday, March 7, 2008

Help Others To Make Money From Home

I read the following poem by an unknown author and was struck by the simplicity of feeling well inside and gaining success in life in general and in your online business spcifically. Very simply, whatever you're up to in life, give of yourself, of your substance or your pesonality, of your thougts, of your money if you can, of your help and assistance.

By giving, you eliminate stagnation and the world opens up to you even if just by a little bit each time you give. It's just as true in your online business life as it is in your personal life to have the attitude of providing oppotuinties for yor potential customers, instead of always thinking about how much you can accumulate. By having the attitude of providing for your prospects and helping them succeed, it will naturally come back to you in being successful in making money from home.

Smart to have goals, smart to think positive, smart to sef talk yourself into knowing you can do something, but if you still slefishly stagnate then all else seems to stall.

Every time I think about my happiness and success I am astounded at how important ones attitude is and how it needs to be worked on daily with thoughs similar to my comments about stagnation. I try to apply these princples in my home based business at Passport to Wealth and find when I do all of the work I do to succeed seems to go smoother.


I looked upon a sea, and lo! 'twas dead;
Although by Hermon's snows and Jordan fed.
How come a fate so dire? The tale's soon told,
All that it got it kept, and fast did hold.
All tributary treams found here a grave.

O sea that's dead, teach me to know and feel
That selfish grasp and greed my doom will seal;
And help me, Lord, myself to give
That I may others bless-and like these live.