Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Opt-in and Safelists Help You Make Money Online

Opt-in and safelists are additional forms of advertising the motivated entrepreneur can use to make money online.

Opt-in and safelists are advertising sources that allow you join an email list with other people that agree to receive messages regarding opportunities from which to find ways to make money online. When you join one of these lists, you are also able to send out your email messages on a daily basis to this list.

Being able to send out email messages is where opt-in and safelists give you the ability contact in many cases millions on a daily basis. You may be in a position where you haven’t built up your own list of potential customers so you can use opt-in and safelists as a substitute. Even if you do have your own list to send your make money online ideas and offers to you can use opt-ins and safelists as an additional source of email advertisement.

Everybody wants to make money online fast but the reality is that you make money by employing various marketing methods like opt-in and safelists. Each additional advertising method you use puts you that much closer to getting more and more people to visit your website and thus increase your odds of making more money online. Therefore using opt-in and safelists is very much to your advantage.

There are definite advantages to using these types of e-mail advertising. For example, you have the ability to send out e-mail messages to potential customers without having to worry about your message being considered spam because all of these people have already stated they want to receive information like you have to send them.

I must interject here and state this does not give you license to spam, that’s a no no, no matter which way you communicate with people, and it surely wouldn’t be good for your efforts to make steady money online.

Another advantage to using this type of communication is that you can contact millions of people with your e-mail message, whereas if you only rely upon you own list you may not be able to communicate to as many people. Using both is the best strategy to use if you’re serious about doing all you can to make money online.

Additionally this method only takes about 5 minutes out of your day. Doing it on a daily basis would be good because we should all know that persistence is an advantage in the online marketing area. I repeat as an aside, if you want to know how to make money online persistence is a critical attitude to employ in the online marketing or any marketing arena.

There are various different opt-in and safelists you can join or you can join one, it’s up to you. Many you can join for a lifetime membership and for a small fee. The fee is small enough that this method is still considered a free form of advertising. Not wanting to state that you can make easy money online as that would send a wrong message, but joining an opt-in and safelist can make your job a whole lot easier than if you didn’t take the little time it takes to use this method of advertising.

In conclusion, let me state that if you want to make money online using these methods or for that matter any marketing method the key is to be creative and make your e-mails short and to the point.

Visit Richard Crandalls website: http://www.youronesmartbusiness.info
or visit: Http://www.IncomeMoneySuccess.com