Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Good Deeds To Succeed Online

I "Tweeted" the following. A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed by Henrik Ibsen

I've found it doesn't need to be a big deed it just needs to be doing something to be helpful and not to land a sale or a new member. In my various online businesses and particularly in the Berry Tree/Nutronix Automated system mentors always recommend that we are not sales people we are simply tour givers. When I personally look at a tour guide I relate it to a customer services representative. You'll notice that a customer services representative or a tour guide don't attempt to sell anything, they simply do deeds for people like give them more information or to give them details about the information they've alread seen.

In the kind of business I am in, network marketing, doing a good deed is to give information to people without telling them how good the opportunity is and let them, all by themselves determine, for themselves, if this opportunity is for them.

In the Berry Tree/Nutronix as in other legitimate programs, there are websites that actually do the telling and selling of the opportunity and it is therefore easy for business builders to jump into the role as a tour giver - doing deeds for people.

Sales will come or they won't but trying to sell somebody will surely do more harm than good in todays society.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Are Customers' Memories Of You Positive?

Here is a great comment from Rickie Lee Jones that makes a great deal of sense when you are in business and attempting to provide what is necessary to prospects and customers so that you can be successful at making money online.

"You never know when you're making a memory"

So what does that have to do with business? Most business success is not a one time shot so it therefore becomes necessary, if we want to maintain our good standing in the online community, to always provide upstanding service so that others will have a memory of us that is positive.

You never know when future sales will be based upon a memory someone has about a past event.

We try in our online business, although I'm not always successful, to provide memories of us that is positive and full of integrity because even if someone doesn't want to do business with us right now perhaps they will in the future because of their positive memory of us.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Don't pull down the shades to online success

"If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade." Written by the esteemed Tom Peters.

That is an insightful comment and one more "would be" online entrepreneurs need to internalize and not just read. When you consider that most people fail at online businesses I simply answer that it's the failures' own fault because for some odd reason people pull down the shade right when they have a good opportunity presented to them. Pulling down the shade is putting the blinders on so that you can justify failure because surely failure will come if you pull down the blinds of following the new plans instructions.

Put another way, for some odd reason people are unwilling to do what they are shown to do and still expect they will receive money from their new business. In many cases the new people won't even let the new business opportunity show them what to do. There is work to do when you join an online business and you're not going to get anything for nothing - so do the work they show you to do.

I think it's a crying shame that there are people who need to make money online but fail to do the things that will bring them success.

I have booming online business that I didn't pull the blinds down on and I attribute my success to that simple action of not pulling down the blinds. The business I am associated with is a highly successful venture with time and systems on their side and it is duplicable. And if you don't make money with it then you're not trying.

I am truely interested in the success of others and am amazed at the people who will join our program, buy our product, yet won't listen to the educational conference calls, won't take us up on our proven successful advertising methods, then end up doing what they want to do to advertise that has failed for them in the past and wonder why this plan doesn't work for them.

People! If you've researched, done your due diligence and are comfortable with the new plan you are starting (all this comes from finding an excellent opportunity), then jump in head first and do what the duplicable system tells you to do. You do this and you'll reap the rewards of online success and you don't do it and that simple act will doom you to failure.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I found the following article on the Berry Tree Nutronix newsletter. The article is for those of you who may be a little shy as the article explains but still want to network their business. Enjoy!

How to Network Without Saying a Word

By eHow Careers & Work Editor

Networking is crucial to the successful marketing of a business. Many people, however, find it difficult to strike up a conversation with a complete stranger just to expand their business network. If you're a little on the shy side, here are some steps for networking without saying a word.

Step 1
Use your spare time and activities outside the home as a starting point for expanding your business network. Simply being around other people in the same comfortable environment can develop relationships.

Step 2
Participate in online forum discussions on relative topics and start a blog that relates to your business. It is often easier to say what you need to by using a keyboard rather than your voice.

Step 3
Write articles for magazines and information websites on topics relative to your business. To appeal to and get the attention of the local market, write letters to the editor of your local newspaper.

Step 4
Join local clubs and organizations that may or may not have anything to do with the type of product or service your business provides. Just being associated with them will help to get the word out about your business.

Step 5
Donate to local charities on behalf of your business and get involved in community service. Charitable gestures and helping others may develop a positive rapport for your business.

Get out there and get started and you’ll find it was a lot easier than you imagined and you’ll probably have some fun!