What do you get out of a Press release? First of all in the context of the subject of my blog Make Money Online, Press Release is another advertising vehicle. You know the many advertising vehiclces talked about as being; pay pr click advertising, social networking type of advertising, Ezine articles advertising, click surfing, blogging itself, etc., etc.
Now that is not an exhaustive list but it gives you the idea of what I mean by advertising and helps you begin to compare what role press releases play in the advertising world.
While you don’t write your Press Release as an advertisement but as an informative piece of information, it becomes indirect advertising, and what you get out of a Press Release is exposure to your businesses URL’S.
But how does that work? You link your Press Release (PR) to your URL and people will visit your listed URL if they like your PR. Additionally the search engines see your listing and links to and from it. Search engines like the fact that your information seems of interest to others (the linking shows them that). This then becomes another source of getting you spread all over the Internet and is a source of free advertising.
Now I’ve written various Press Releases about my primary business MyInternetBusiness because I believe in it’s ability to act as a platform for people to make money online. The press release get’s my business exposure and I will write many more Press Releases as time goes on.