Thursday, February 28, 2008

Believe and Achieve To Make Money Online

I just woke up and felt like I had to comment on a quote I read from the founder of my Passport to Wealth business. While it pertains to how to make money from home it rings true in all walks of life. It goes like this;

"If you believe you can conceive it, you will achieve it......" Darren Gaudry 1999

Those of you who have been with me for a while know that Darren Gaudry is the founder of Passport to Wealth and when he quoted this it was in reference to one of his updates to an additional online business he is creating,

MyInternet will be free to current Passport to Wealth members. A a few days back he announced one of the products called "The Netmillionaire Training System". This product is a board game, with a fold out board, cards, board pieces and will be used for training.

Darren is excited about and has been working around the clock and feels his new creation will be excellent for everyone. His comment about conceiving it then achieving it was in reference to his project. It's a good quote for us all, as we should all know and understand that our success is based upon our attitude towards that success and if we can coceive the possibilities of success in our minds then we can achieve it.

I hope this bit of inspiration will be helpful to all my friends.

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