Monday, August 31, 2009

Minimize Downline Fallout In MLM Residual Income Type Of Business Opportunities

If you know anything at all about Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM) you know that one thing that discourages even the best of marketers is when people stop their autoship (autoship=product you automatically buy and have shipped to you month after month.) When they stop their autoship you no longer get paid their residual. Remember residual income is pay for doing the work once then the money continues month after month.

I've even heard some people say that they wouldn't get involved with MLM to make money online because of the possibility of people leaving. If you happen to be one of those who feel this way you need to understand that that's a risk in any business you associate with. Things aren't always going to go your way. But there are things you can do to minimize the possibility of people leaving.

The best thing you can do for yourself to minimize the number of people who leave the opportunity is to take heed to the attributes I've discussed in previous posts that you must look for in a business opportunity during your research.

You could loose people for the reason of them no longer desiring the the product or because they are not making money with the business oportunity. Here's how you can help yourself to avoid either from happening too often. (Notice that I said too often, that is because it will happen in any business but you are needing to know how to minimize it.)

For example; Joining an online business opportunity that has a product wanted and needed by the masses that gives them great value and benefit at a reasonable price is probably the best thing you can do to minimize the number of people that become less excited about the product and leave. I wrote about this approximately two posts ago, you should refer to it.

Getting involved with an opportunity that has company backing with long term successful experience, an excellent pay plan, a product that is wanted and needed by the masses, along with support and guidance, minimize the possibility of people ending their autoship due to their lack of interest in the Business Opportunity.

I continue to hope that the information I am providing assists you in knowing what MLM opportunity to join resulting from your research.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Does Product Cost Make A Difference In Making Money In MLM?

With so many opportunities staring us right in the face it's difficult to know which ones present us with the extra spark that increases our odds to make money online in Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM). This is why I've been writing about qualities an opportunity must have to increase those odds.

The first three are the most important qualities that place you in a position of success, they are again;
  • Excellent product needed by the masses
  • Experienced successful company overly friendly to the needs of business builders and product sales people as well - this reflects well in the next quality
  • An extra fair compensation program allowing for both immediate as well as residual awards
You get these right during your search and you'll succeed should you have the right work ethic and guidance.

What about cost? The cost of getting involved in the opportunity as well as the monthly cost should be based on two things and you need to answer all by yourself if the cost is right for you
  1. Is the product you get for being a member worth the price you are paying. You certainly don't want to gouge your customer nor do you want to be gouged
  2. Is this a price you and others are willing to pay after the initial euphoria of joining is settled down? Will you be happy and will your customers be happy and can you all afford to pay this month after month? So the cost you pay must be aligned to the value of the underlying product.
Again you do the first three things right (company, product, comp plan) in selecting an opportunity and the price you pay for the opportunity will be based on your better judgment.

Next we'll be talking about Systems in place to help you market the product

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Company's Successful Experience Makes You Money Online

To know best which MLM to join for the purpose of giving yourself the best chance to success in making steady money online, I've given you, in the two immediately previous posts, the attributes of --- an excellent product and a compensation plan giving you immediate and residual financial reward.

Today I'd like to remind you of the importance of the company that is backing these excellent products and compensation plans. It only makes sense that the company's integrity and experience show you success and give you confidence so that, unless something totally unforeseen comes along, they won't be leaving you high and dry with all your income going away.

I know there are a lot of pre-launches out there about opportunities that are just starting and so how could the company have demonstrated integrity through experience? Well that is why I say the safest way to go is to join an opportunity whose backing company has years of background and successful experience in providing excellent products and a fair compensation plan for immediate as well as residual income. Your research can point out these companies.

Not wanting to belabor the point, let me conclude by saying that next time I'll be giving another of my series on which attributes to seek when looking for an MLM from which to be wildly successful at.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Residual And Immediate Income A Must to Making Money From Home

Yesterday I wrote about the first thing one must look for when choosing an MLM business opportunity that will benefit you for years to come. That subject was making sure that you join an opportunity that has a product that is wanted and needed by the masses. Of course joining an MLM that has a great product is not enough to insuring that you are finding the best opportunity for you. There are several attributes a business opportunity must have to be classified as a terrific long lasting money making opportunity.

The next attribute you should look for is a truly excellent compensation program. One that gives you immediate as well as long term income. The compensation program presentation is made over the internet and the compensation program specifics identified. Often MLM compensation programs are a little complicated and that is actually to your advantage. This is because it usually means there are a lot of ways to make excellent money with the opportunity.

The first thing I mentioned about an excellent compensation plan is that it must give you immediate as well as long term income. Researching the compensation plan will reveal this. What did I mean by a pay plan having both immediate as well as long term income? The major inducement to an MLM program is it's long term residual nature so often times MLM's don't provide very inticing immediate compensation. But the best of plans include both excellent immediate income including incentives and bonuses as well as residual income.

The plan will already have residual income by it's MLM nature. That's what MLM's are all about, building a downlines of people who continue to buy the appealing product so that you can get paid month after month from the money they pay for the product. You do the work once and you keep getting paid for that particular person. The excellent product makes it so that each of your downline continues to buy making your pay each month that much higher.

Members of MLM,s will say they wouldn't join a business opportunity if it didn't include residual income. There are others who say they wouldn't join an MLM because it doesn't provide very good immediate income. A smart person can have the best of both worlds, both immediate as well as residual income, if they do their research properly. These opportunities are out there.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Products In MLM's Make Money Online

A lot of would-be as well as experienced online marketers are choosing to go with a multi-level marketing approach as their business opportunity from which to make money online because it usually provides money continuously after the initial sale is made (residual income). But not all MLM's are created equal and so I advise that by choosing one with certain attributes you can prosper like you could never have imagined before.

The first attribute you should be looking for in choosing an MLM is a product or product line that is needed and used by the masses. The point being that in Multi-level marketing you make money if people continue to buy the product month after month, rather than solely on a one off sales basis. What better way is there to keep these people automatically interested in buying month after month than by offering a desireable product that will definitely solve a problem of theirs, and the masses need and use it.

The health and wellness anti-aging products industry is a perfect example of a product needed and used by the masses and creats a great benefit for ones health.

You find a product that meets the litmus test of needed wanted and beneficial to the masses and you've got the beginnings of an life changing home business.

Tomorrow I'll talk about the next attribute you can combine with the correct product to find an excellent MLM business.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Check It Out To Make Money At Home

Here's an article with tips about making money online.

You can visit one of Richard Crandall's giveaway information and free product here:

In the Make Money from Home industry, as some of us call it, we continue to see business opportunities that run like a automatic vending machine on the internet. It's like seeing an advertisement and an informational website, liking what you see and joining without talking to a person.

Opportunities that have you Plug-In to their automated system is another term used in the industry where you simply join a well thought out plan and you use the materials they supply for you to run the business without much human contact.

I have written in the past about how you must be able to contact the sponsor and get the right answers in order to feel comfort in your not being scammed. The question therefore arises, "Considering the number of automated systems without apparent human contact do I still feel comfortable in the advice I have written?"

That is a good question for anyone to ask, because nobody wants to "be taken" and there are so many good opportunities found on the internet that a blanket statement like "you must be able to talk to the sponsor" is just a little short sighted, if taken out of context.

The meaning behind any statements I've made about needing to contact the sponsor is this. If you want to get the highest degree of comfort you must contact the sponsor. That does not mean all other opportunities are scams. In fact some of the best opportunities are as close to being fully automated as is possible.

So let me identify some things you should consider while making a decision when you have some but little way of contacting the sponsor and asking important questions. These considerations are pretty simplistic but if you're at all like me you can get pretty mixed up when looking at all of the opportunities to choose from and therefore simplification can be helpful.

1. How well put together is the information about the opportunity, may be a sign about how much thought was put into the business opportunity. Usually well thought out opportunities are signs of quality.

2. Are all of your questions answered in the sales websites and informational e-mails you read about the opportunity.

3. Are you able to "Google" the person responsible for the program and find good reviews and comments made about the product and the person. This is sometimes a hard one because there are those who write bad comments about good people and good opportunities. But it is worthwhile reading nonetheless as you should be able to decide for yourself if the comments are real.

4. In some cases you know the sponsors name and that may be good enough to know if they have conducted themselves with integrity on the internet in the past.

5. Is the price low enough that you would not loose any sleep if it did not happen to work out. Sometimes you like an opportunity so much that you feel it's worth a chance even though you can't contact anybody about the opportunity. Don't get me wrong here I'm not saying you should take a chance but the other questions and price point can help you decide the level of risk you are taking.

6. Does logic tell you that there is something wrong or right about the opportunity? The internet is a wide-open venue and there are few rules so sometimes you must use your gut feel along with the other items listed above that you should consider.

I found myself in the past and also know that there are others (usually new people considering making money online) that have a difficult time determining whether a business opportunity will be right for them. I have written many articles about this subject and there are many more than I have written that can give one ideas about this subject. I have given suggestions above in numbers 1 thru 6 that should give you an idea of how to look for a viable opportunity for you.

But if there is one single thing as important as anything else it is this. Do not be lazy, do your research. If you do the research, you will be taking into consideration warning signals as well as positive signs and have sufficient information for you to make an educated decision.