To make steady money online is a tricky business considering that you must market to get anything done at all. What to market also becomes a difficult task to figure out. But you can make make steady money online.
One additional way it can be done is selling digital information products online. at Myinternetbusiness they have another way of making money online and I use it as an example of how a company can go about making it easy for its members to sell digital products online.
You can go out and find digital products on your own and sell them. Or you can use the products that come from affiliate programs.
At least one program I know of not only allows affiliate selling of memberships, but also sets up digital product sales pages and shopping carts for each of the products it gives to members, so that members can then take the URL and advertise and sell it. All the rest is handled by the company. Not only does the member not have to do any set up work, but 100% of the sale of the product is credited to the member.
Not a bad way to go if you want to provide a solution to what people are searching for and get paid without having to do very much set up work to do it.
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