Monday, August 25, 2008

Marketing Is Key To Making Money Online

Not greatly acceptible to be away from posting for over 1 week, but that's what's happened so I have to deal with it. So here goes, back to the blogging that I truly enjoy.

I continue to get the question about how to become successful online. Of course, successful online means to make money online.

And the bottom line is, you must "market your wares". You've simply got to get it (your advertising that is) out there where people will see it.

I know that people often fall for the marketing words which tell you there is no work to do and you'll make money. But there really is work to do, no matter which business you wish to make money from. That work is marketing, promoting, however you wish to call it. You who read this and are already successful know for a fact that marketing is the key. It can be summed up thusly; If enough people see what you've got then you will get sales.

A lot of people are seeing my low cost Freebie Force site, and therefore there will be sales. It's not me they're looking for, it's a good opportunity and that is why people buy into it, again, if enough people see it.

Of course we'll talk more on this subject later.

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