Monday, August 4, 2008

Make it simple to Make Money Online

You know how you see this great online business that starts off great in its communication efforts then instantly gets bad by first of all co-mingling a second offer and to make number one and number two work you should then join the third offer?

I had a big aha moment the other day when I saw one of those complicated Make Money offers and I thought to my self how am I ever going to figure out which one I'm a member of and which one am I using to promote that one etc.

I know this is what the guru's do and they do it very well because you and I fall for it all the time. Try sometime to do your due diligence and join one that is straight forward without a bunch of hype and complicated gobbledygook and you'll be very pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to make it online.

For example my Freebie Force (take a tour or go to my freebieforce website for more information) opportunity is very straightforward and provides ample opportunity to prosper simply because it is simple and straight forward. Another much much more expensive one is MyInternetBusiness but once again you get plenty of tools and you are not wondering just what it is that you own.

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